Eva Marquez is a spiritual counselor and healer, teacher and writer. In her spiritual work she utilizes her inherited Pleiadian energy. She remembers the Language of Light along with many other ancient soul memories and works with her guides Lights of the Universe who are a collective group of light beings from various star nations (Pleiades included), and also works with her higher self who on occasions enjoys visiting others in dreams and during meditation to give assistance or healing if needed.
Eva's mission is to teach you about your personal powers so that you can be your own guru. She also brings back memories of infinite love from Source. Love is the most important energy tool we each have. She is dedicated to assisting those who need healing on all levels.
Eva works with people who have terminal illness, mothers who are expecting a child with birth defects, those who have fallen into deep depression or despair, those who have lost all hope, those who are suffocated by fear, those that feel all alone, those that have been abused both physically and mentally, and anyone else needing my assistance or guidance. She works through ancient DNA and assists starseeds to activate their DNA, their memories, and to connect with their soul family. She is here to show you that there is a LIGHT at the end of the tunnel and that through LOVE we can reach that light.

We, Heather and Louise have been working and playing together since 2009 presenting Trance channel communications, public presentations, trainings, workshops, retreats, sacred site tours, and one on one sessions for seekers of truth. In person in NZ, Australia,Europe and Hawaii, and online to the rest of the planet.
Louise has written several books based on self empowerment spiritual teachings and healing, plus the Lyran Disclosure series 1 and 2 (3 is coming) bringing insight to Earth and Galactic history and how that impacts us now. (Think Anunnaki influence and Original Earth terrans). Louise is a gifted, authentic Trance Channeller and Seer, as well as a Master Healer.
We both have direct experience in many life challenges that we have overcome drawing on this to assist others. Heather has her own experiences since childhood with the non benevolent ETs. Heather also is gifted in the Healing and Mentoring Arts as well as being an entertaining speaker.
We are real and down to earth, yet consider ourselves at the cutting edge. We hang out in beautiful Australia.

Grethel is a light language teacher, intuitive light language artist making drawings for the soul and sound energy healer who combines Reiki, therapy art and healing with her natural ability to speak and sing in Light Language to help to alchemized the soul. Grethel’s Light Language songs and artwork contain energetic light codes that can be felt in the human body.
Flo Karuna (aka Nature Flow) is a world/soul traveler that journeyed throughout the planet with miracles occurring through intuition and faith. He has been referred to as a channel for Earth Consciousness and is passionate about sharing the new offerings that Unify the planet for the next 7 generations and beyond.
His life has been dedicated to empowering others, the Teachings of Mother Earth, and connecting others to the Galactic Realms. He is the creator of the Group Oracle Masters of Light , The Pleiadian StarSeed Oracle Deck and the upcoming Lyran Oracle. He is also the founder of Star Codes.

Bridget Renee Holliday is a Starseed, channel, multidimensional medium, and Galactic Unity Ambassador. She holds frequencies of unity consciousness and grounds them into the human experience. Her star lineages include Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Lyran, Andromedan, amongst others.
As an Ascension-Contact Specialist, she communicates with the high realms and assists others to expand and embrace those innate connections within themselves. Her mission also includes normalizing the conversations and perceptions around interdimensional, extra-dimensional, ultra-dimensional, and extraterrestrial beings.
Bridget also enjoys sharing cosmic wisdom and knowledge through online speaking engagements and workshops. To learn more about Bridget, visit www.bridgetreneeholliday.com.

Diana Divine is a Soul Guide and Galactic Lyran Shaman, in service for others to activate their multidimensional potential.
As a Shaman, Quantum Hypnosis Healing Therapist (QHHT), Crystalline Soul Healer, Reiki Master, and High Brain Living Facilitator, Human Design and Astrology Reader, and Graduate of TeRRapia School for ProcessWork and Family Constellation, Diana is able to weave all the quantum, shamanic, and psychology tools and offer customized approaches to each of her clients. She founded Source Language Institute to teach and activate others to the purest communication via Source codes also known as Light Language.
Let's all unite and remember our story of Lyra
this April 23rd 2022.